Australia will begin building its first SSN-AUKUS in Osborne, South Australia by the end of this decade. Construction will be supported by an expansion of the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard Area to support the facilities and infrastructure required to build the first SSN-AUKUS, referred to as the Submarine Construction Yard (SCY).
The preferred site for the SCY is situated north of the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard on the Lefevre Peninsula, approximately 19 km north of Adelaide in South Australia. Osborne will be the home of Australia’s next generation submarine build and will become one of the most advanced technological hubs in the world.
To support the planned construction and operation of the SCY, as well as the future needs of the community, preliminary enabling works will optimise access routes and traffic flows around the site. The relocation of above and below ground utilities will ensure that future developments are safe and unimpeded whilst maintaining provision of power to the Osborne Naval Shipyards and surrounds.
The Commonwealth has appointed Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ANI), as an Australian Government Business Enterprise to be the Australian Submarine Agency’s (ASA) design and delivery partner for the project.
Strategic Assessment
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and ASA agreed on 24 November 2023 to undertake a Strategic Assessment of the SCY as defined under Part 10 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).
The Strategic Assessment considers and assesses the impacts of the construction and operation of the SCY on protected matters as the ASA seeks to deliver conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines.
Learn more about Strategic Assessments.(Opens in a new tab/window)
The Strategic Assessment Agreement includes the development of:
- Terms of Reference (ToR) – describes the assessment requirements of the Strategic Impact Assessment Report.
- Plan – describes the kinds of activities that will be undertaken as a part of the construction and operation of the SCY.
- Strategic Impact Assessment Report – assesses the impact of the activities against the assessment requirements described in the ToR.
The Strategic Assessment process includes:
- Public comment on the draft ToR for a minimum of 28 days.
- Public consultation of the Strategic Impact Assessment Report for a minimum of 28 days.
- Consideration of the Plan and Strategic Impact Assessment Report by the Minister for the Environment.
- The Minister for the Environment decision whether to approve the activities described in the Plan.
Terms of Reference
The ToR was developed by DCCEEW and the ASA to describe the assessment requirements of the Strategic Impact Assessment Report.
The draft ToR was made available for public comment from 4 December 2023 to 28 January 2024. All comments received during this time were considered by the ASA and DCCEEW in the finalisation of the ToR.
The Minister for the Environment and Water endorsed the final ToR on 25 March 2024, this document is now published on the DCCEEW and ASA websites.
Strategic Impact Assessment Report
The Draft Strategic Impact Assessment Report (Draft Report) for the project is now available for public comment.
We invite the community to access the Draft Report and submit comments during the Public Consultation Period from 3 February to 17 March 2025. We invite the community to access the Draft Report and submit comments.
How to make a submission:
You can make comment on the Draft Report via:
- Online: Make a submission here(Opens in a new tab/window)
- Email: asa.osborne.enquiries@defence.gov.au
- Completing a hard copy form at any of the community drop-in sessions
All comments received by the deadline will be considered in the finalisation of the report.
For further advice on making an effective submission, please refer to our ‘How to make a submission’ fact sheet.
Hard copies of the Draft Report will be available for review at Port Adelaide Library (2-4 Church St, Port Adelaide) during the Public Comment Period.
For further information or accessibility assistance please contact the ASA via the following channels:
Email: asa.osborne.enquiries@defence.gov.au
Phone: 1800 DEFENCE (1800 333 362)
Community Information and Engagement
Engaging stakeholders and the local community is an important part of the planning and approval processes. The ASA is committed to ensuring interested stakeholders and the community are both heard and informed.
To inform the development of the Draft Strategic Assessment Report, the ASA hosted the following activities:
- Online Community Webinar on Wednesday 17 April 2024 to introduce the project and outline the Strategic Assessment process.
- A community information session on Saturday 22 June 2024, to provide an opportunity for stakeholders and community members to engage with the project team, ask questions, explore topics about the project and Strategic Assessment process, and gain first-hand information from the ASA and project team.
Information Sessions
The ASA will be hosting 4 community drop-in sessions during the Public Comment Period. These sessions provide an opportunity for stakeholders and community members to engage with the project team, ask questions, explore topics about the project and Strategic Assessment process, and gain first-hand information from the ASA and project team.
Interested participants are encouraged to register their interest prior to the event.
Session dates and times:
Date and time | Location | Registration link |
Wednesday 19 February 2025 11.30am-1.30pm | State Library of South Australia, Cnr North Terrace and Kintore Ave, Adelaide | Here(Opens in a new tab/window) |
Thursday 20 February 2025 5pm-7pm | Port Adelaide Plaza, 200-220 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide | Here(Opens in a new tab/window) |
Friday 21 February 2025 1pm-3pm | Lefevre Community Stadium, Function Room, 541 Victoria Road, Osborne
| Here(Opens in a new tab/window) |
Saturday 22 February 2025 1pm-3pm |
Project details
The project will deliver the following elements:
Element | Status | Timeline |
Preliminary enabling works | The ASA submitted a Referral under EPBC Act Part 7 to 9 for the development of a car park, pedestrian bridge and grade separated road to DCCEEW. The delegate of the Minister for the Environment and Water decided on 8 December 2023 that the proposed action under referral (2023/09662(Opens in a new tab/window)) is a not controlled action if taken in a particular manner. This means that, provided the action is taken in accordance with the particular manners outlined in the referral decision, it does not require further assessment and approval under the EPBC Act before it can proceed. The referral decision and further details(Opens in a new tab/window) are available on the EPBC Public Portal. | EPBC Act Referral Decision received 8 December 2023. |
Submarine Construction Yard | The Strategic Impact Assessment Report is now available for public comment. | In progress |
South Australian Planning Assessment
The South Australian Minister for Planning has declared that an Impact Assessed development process under section108(1)(c) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 will apply to the construction of the SCY.
An Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared on behalf of Australian Naval Infrastructure and is also available for public comment to provide the community with an opportunity to understand and comment on what is proposed.
Details can be found at: yoursay.sa.gov.au/submarine-construction-yard-eis(Opens in a new tab/window)