Public comment period opens for SRF-West priority works at HMAS Stirling

Last updated: 30 Jan 2025

By ASA Media

Today a public comment period commences for interested parties to access documents and provide submissions on the Submarine Rotational Force – West (SRF-West) priority works at HMAS Stirling, Western Australia.

SRF-West is integral to Australia’s acquisition of conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines. Through it, Australia will gain exposure to, and experience with, US and UK nuclear-powered submarines, ensuring Australia is sovereign ready to safely maintain, own, operate and regulate its own capability from the early 2030s.

The planned priority works will upgrade maritime structures, construct and operate a purpose built controlled industrial facility to support the maintenance of conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines.

On 25 October 2024, Defence submitted a referral to the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) for the priority works under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The referral was open for public comment from 11 to 25 November 2024.

This further consultation period follows a decision from DCCEEW that the SRF-West priority works at HMAS Stirling would be a ‘controlled action’, requiring environmental assessment.

SRF-W is being designed to provide the highest level of protection to our people, the public and the environment.

Felix Bowman-Derrick, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Security and Estate Group said, “The controlled action assessment will review these mitigation measures to ensure they meet requirements of the EPBC Act.”

Priority works documents are available through the Defence website: in a new tab/window) .

Hard copies will be available for viewing at the State Library of Western Australia and Rockingham Public Library.

Notification of the public comment period will also be advertised in newspapers from 1 February 2025. The public comment period will conclude on 14 February 2025. in a new tab/window)