Australia will begin building its first SSN-AUKUS in Osborne, South Australia by the end of this decade. Construction will be supported by an expansion of the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard Area to support the facilities and infrastructure required to build the first SSN-AUKUS, referred to as the Submarine Construction Yard (SCY). The delivery of this historic capability will be a transformative and inter-generational program for South Australian industry.
The preferred site for the Submarine Construction Yard (SCY) is situated north of the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard on the Lefevre Peninsula, approximately 19 km north of Adelaide in South Australia. Osborne will be the home of Australia’s next generation submarine build and will become one of the most advanced technological hubs in the world.
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and the Australian Submarine Agency have agreed to undertake a Strategic Assessment of the SCY as defined under Part 10 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) outline the assessment requirements of the Strategic Assessment and have been developed by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water in collaboration with the Australian Submarine Agency.
The draft ToR(Opens in a new tab/window) are available for public comment from 4 December 2023 to 28 January 2024.
Comments can be registered via email to asa.osborne.enquiries@defence.gov.au.
For more information visit the Osborne Submarine Construction Yard(Opens in a new tab/window) page.