Australia’s conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines, the SSN-AUKUS, will be built in Adelaide, South Australia. The delivery of this historic capability will be a transformative and inter-generational program for South Australian industry, with the first Australian SSN-AUKUS build beginning before the end of this decade.
The SSN-AUKUS construction will be supported by an expansion of the existing Osborne Naval Shipyard Area, known as the Submarine Construction Yard (SCY). The SCY, located on the Lefevre Peninsula approximately 19km north of Adelaide, will transform the precinct making Osborne the home of Australia’s next generation submarine build and one of the most advanced technological hubs in the world.
In the next few years alone it is estimated at least $2 billion will be invested in South Australian infrastructure. And when the program reaches its peak, the design and build of the infrastructure for the SCY will employ up to 4,000 workers – almost double the workforce forecast for the Attack class program.
To support the planned construction and operation of the SCY, as well as the future needs of the community, preliminary enabling works will optimise access routes and traffic flows around the site. The relocation of above and below ground utilities will ensure that future developments are safe and unimpeded whilst maintaining provision of power to the Osborne Naval Shipyards and surrounds.
The Commonwealth has appointed Australian Naval Infrastructure Pty Ltd (ANI), as an Australian Government Business Enterprise, to be the Australian Submarine Agency’s (ASA) design and delivery partner for the project.
For more information, including community consultation and the opportunity to provide feedback, visit the Osborne Submarine Construction Yard(Opens in a new tab/window) page.